Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Christmas Parade and Heritage Center Open House

Muleshoe had their annual Christmas parade and the Heritage Center had their annual Christmas open house on December 1st. I wanted to share those events with you even though I am little behind, twelve days to be exact, but who’s counting? No one, I hope! But Christmas parades are always a nice way to start off the season, and it is never too late to enjoy all things Christmas.


Gilrobert Rennels from Gil Lamb Advertising/Channel 6 was there to film the parade for broadcast on their website at www.gillambadvertisingmuleshoe.com . Gilrobert can always be depended on to film local events for broadcast, and I think his efforts are mostly taken for granted, so it is only fair to give him credit and thanks before the parade even begins. Now let me share some of the highlights with you.

IMG_9931 The parade was led by members of the Muleshoe Road Riders club.

IMG_9932This bear served as Hellen’s designated rider for her husband, Road Rider member Lonnie Adrian.


IMG_9935 Muleshoe Girl Scouts were represented with walkers and a float.

IMG_9938 Every parade should have a fire truck or two; one for kids…

IMG_9939and one for Santa.

IMG_9940 The Jennyslippers, a local women’s service organization, had a nice float.

IMG_9942 The Muleshoe 3rd and 4th Grade Little League All-Stars were represented.

IMG_9943 Moms and kids added to the parade.

IMG_9944 Several members of the Leal clan rode on the Leal family float

IMG_9948 The Bi-District champion Mules made it to the parade.

IMG_9950 The Oneita Wagnon Senior Citizen Center float featured one of the popular activities enjoyed at the center, a dominoes game.

IMG_9953 To me a parade is not a parade without horses. We had a few this year, and I was glad to see them. In the old days we would have several riding clubs and many individuals riding; not so much the last few years. Why is that?

IMG_9956 Mr. Thomason pulled the FFA float,

IMG_9961but his wife Jana and daughters Mackenzie and Braylee rode in the FFA truck and had the best time.

The parade was at 2:00 in the afternoon; the Heritage Center’s open house was held in the evening to take advantage of the dark to show off the lighting the SCAC kids and several Heritage Foundation members put up for the holidays. Decorations also graced the inside of the buildings, but for some reason I didn’t take any pictures of them, probably because the outside lights were so impressive this year. 

IMG_9984The Muleshoe Ranch cookhouse looked pretty with all its lights. That is the old chuck wagon in front of it.

IMG_9988 The Virginia City hotel glowed in the dark from its lights.

IMG_9990 Visitors were invited into the Santa Fe Depot for refreshments as they toured the buildings.

IMG_9994 Helen Cook and Rowena Meyers and others enjoy the refreshments in the Depot.

IMG_9993 Luminaries marked the path to the Janes Ranch House.

The parade and the open house made it official- Christmas is on.  Are you ready?



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