Friday, October 29, 2010

Mules Run Over River Road

River Road beat Muleshoe last year, so there might have been a score to settle, but I don’t think that is why the score was so lopsided-Mules 72, River Road 16. The Mules were by far the better team. We invaded the end zone first, and it was not until the fourth quarter that the Wildcats  managed to run one in and make their two-point conversion. They had been throwing some nice, long passes all night but never seemed to be able to get any points out of them.  Later they managed one more touchdown, but weren’t successful with another two points.

Muleshoe, on the other hand,  just scored their little hearts out. We made nice touchdowns but couldn’t buy extra points until the second quarter, missing five attempts.  After that we managed to make it six times.

We pretty much dominated the game. Eric Orozco scored first, followed by Joey Ramirez, Cooper Washington twice in a row, Juan Sanchez twice in a row, Saul Elizalde, Ryan DeLeon, Eric Orozco again, Juan Sanchez again, and Ray Martinez. The scoring went like this: first quarter score 12-0; second quarter  32-0; third quarter 51-0; fourth quarter 72-16. And even if all their names didn’t make my write-up this week, the whole team did a great job. Washington quarterbacked till the fourth quarter, and Beau Avila finished up the game in that position.

The game was over long before the buzzer sounded, but when Isaias Guerra intercepted one last pass with 33 seconds left, we let the play clock run out. To their credit, even though they looked a bit sloppy with their shirttails flopping in the breeze, River Road showed some class and didn’t give up until that last 33 seconds and saw it to the end, unlike that team we played last week.

After the game there weren’t many fans left to hear the same school song played by both bands. River Road didn’t come with too many fans, and too many Muleshoe fans left after half time and then really left during the fourth quarter. The wind made it seem colder than the 57 degrees it really was, and I guess since the game was not in jeopardy at that point, the cold won out and people left. But Coach Wood-with the Mohawk haircut the team was allowed to give him after last week’s victory cleanly shaved off- he and his Mules were pumped to the very end.

Next Friday is the extended road trip to Childress for the last regular season game. Hope to see you there.

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