Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Mules March On

Last night we drove to neutral site Denver City to watch the Mules earn another notch on the ol' jock strap by beating Crane 21-7, which also means that the perfect season continues: 19-0. This Crane team was good, probably the best the Mules have played so far this year. On paper we were more evenly matched size-wise, but when the teams took the field, we were still smaller. So what else is new? The Mules were smaller all season last year, but that didn't seem to stop them. So far that has been the case this year, so I might as well quit bringing it up. The boys don't seem to notice; they just rise to the occasion and win anyway. The defense won this game. They are sometimes slightly overlooked because the offense always scores big. They made a few mistakes but came through with the big plays time and again and held the Golden Cranes to the lone score. The offense  had a little trouble early on slipping on Denver City's artifical turf (oil money buys lots of stuff), but managed to overcome that and move on. The game was intense; Coach Wood even earned the team a five yard penalty for a little sideline interference...

Next week Borger comes to our house. I'll let you know how that plays out.

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